Responsible for the Summer Recreation swimming program at Adams Point Beach and review and recommendation of structural improvements to Stoddard Field.

Meets: Upon Scheduling

Kristen Van Note (Swim Program)

Josephine Solimene Rustin (Swim Program)

Tanya Ward (Swim Program

Will Powers (Stoddard Park)

Suzanne Michaels (Assist the town in the collection of data and preparation of materials for a grant to fund the Masterplan,)

Phone: (518) 781-3144 – Town Clerk’s office for more info

The Town of Canaan’s Swim Lessons are free and open to all residents of the town. Lessons are given by American Red Cross certified swim instructors.

Swim Instructors Needed for summer of 2024

**2024 Swim Lessons for Canaan Residents**

The Town of Canaan’s swim lessons are free and open to all residents of the town. Lessons are given by American Red Cross certified swim instructors.

See you on the lake!

–The Town of Canaan Recreation Committee