Many applications must be filled out using NY State forms available from the Town Clerk’s office. The applications and forms are available via this Web site in PDF format. (To download or print a PDF document, you will need the free Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems. If Acrobat is not already on your computer, you can download it here.)

Transfer station stickers:

  • Residential permit: no form required. Bring driver’s license or proof of Canaan residence, plus license plate number of the vehicle for which you are requesting a Transfer Station sticker.
  • Maintenance permit – Maintenance Permits for the Transfer Station for construction and demolition material (C&D) can be obtained from the Town Clerk’s Office at Town Hall (for construction debris & municipal solid waste.)  Canaan resident must have a current Transfer Station sticker to receive a maintenance permit.


  • Hunting and Fishing Licenses: apply in person to the Town Clerk. Bring valid NY State driver’s license and proof of hunter-safety certification, or, if renewing, previous license from 1981 or later.
  • Dog License: apply via form available from the Town Clerk, after the dog is 4 months old. Bring proof of current rabies vaccination.

Building and Zoning Forms & Applications:

Tax-related Applications:


  • Birth, marriage, and death certificates are available from the Town Clerk’s office. Call for details.