Canaan Transfer Station Hours are: Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:30 PM for regular household garbage only and Saturdays from 8:00AM-12:00 PM for Household garbage and C&D permits.

The 2023 Transfer Station Stickers will be available at the Town Clerks office beginning Friday, December 30, 2022. Please note that we need the license plate number of the vehicle that the sticker will be adhered to as we will be writing plate numbers on the stickers before they leave the Town Hall. Stickers must be on your car and visible. We are unable to provide stickers that will be able to move from vehicle to vehicle.

Procedure for Applying for a Transfer Station Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Stickers Effective January 01, 2023

  1. Applicants (town residents) for a Transfer Station sticker must provide proof of residency; acceptable proof of residency includes a tax bill, utility or other bill in their name at the property address.
  2. Applicants must provide their License Plate number which shall be logged in the Transfer Station Book and written on the sticker issued by the Clerk.
  3. Stickers are to be used for the qualified residence/business and the designated vehicle only; effective January 01, 2023, they must be attached to the vehicle.
  4. Stickers are designated for use for one residence or business; they are not transferable. Sharing stickers with other residences or businesses, non-residents, or multiple residences is considered a misuse and may result in a loss of the sticker.
  5. Multiple use applications such as Property Managers, Homeowner Associations, Contractors, etc must have a sticker for each residence they service.
  6. Upon request, a qualified resident may request a second sticker for a second vehicle at the same address providing the second person is a resident at that address. The second sticker will be tied to the second vehicle’s license plate and all other rules above apply.