If you would like to read Canaan’s Zoning Law or Subdivision Regulations, you may visit the Town Clerk’s office or Building Inspector/ZEO’s office during office hours, or purchase a copy from the Town Clerk.
You may also download the zoning law via this Web site, in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Canaan, New York
Zoning Laws and Regulations
Appendix I
Zoning Map
Planning Board Handout
PDFs can be read and printed with the free Acrobat Reader. Already have Acrobat Reader? To download either document to your computer for reading or printing, right-click with your mouse on the link below, then choose “Save Target As” (Internet Explorer) or “Save Link As” (Netscape) to start the download. Then just double-click on the downloaded file to open it with Acrobat Reader. (If your Web browser has the Acrobat Reader “plug-in” installed, you can also view the documents within your Web browser by clicking on the links.)