Review an updated site plan for Honor Harvey “Briskette&Birdie”, located at 13361 State Route 22. Thank you,
Anonymous letter
Canaan residents, The new year started off with an anonymous letter written and distributed to rile residents and to muddy the waters around a proposed new local law regulating Short-Term Rentals. The unidentified writer misrepresented the purpose and content of the law and pitted neighbor against neighbor. The letter and its rhetoric do not represent the values of the Town of Canaan nor her people. Canaan is a town for everyone, including multi-generational families, families and individuals who have moved and made their homes here, those with weekend or seasonal homes, and the people whose travels bring them to our beautiful town. Maintaining, health, safety and the quality of life are important priorities in a small rural town such as ours. That is why hundreds of local municipalities have already enacted laws to regulate short-term rentals and their impact on communities. If you want to know more about the local law, the most recent draft is posted on the town website. A revised draft will be posted prior to the next Public Hearing. Please check the website for any updates of the draft law, meeting dates, or additional information. Town Board Canaan,...
Notice of Receipt of 2025 Tax Roll and Warrant for Town of Canaan
Notice of Receipt of 2025 Tax Roll and Warrant for Town of Canaan TAKE NOTICE, that I, Heather O’Grady, the undersigned Collector of Taxes of the Town of Canaan, County of Columbia and the State of New York, have duly received the tax roll and warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Canaan for the year 2025, and that I will attend at the Town Hall at 1647 County Route 5 in the Town of Canaan on the following days: Monday and Wednesday, from 2:30 pm-4:30pm and for the month of January, Friday, 9:30am-12:00pm for the purpose of receiving payment of taxes listed on said roll. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2025 without charge or interest. Payment of taxes may now be done by credit/debit card. We will accept payments that are postmarked on January 31st. On all taxes received after such date, there shall be added interest of 1% for each additional month or fraction thereof, thereafter until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the County Treasurer pursuant to law. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that pursuant to the provisions of the law, the tax roll of the Town of Canaan will be returned to the County Treasurer of the County of Columbia on the 2nd day of June 2025. Heather O’Grady Deputy Town Clerk/Tax...
News from the Canaan Historical Society
The Canaan Historical Society is very excited to share the news of the start of construction on Structural Stabilization – the first phase of three of the 1829 Meeting House Restoration. However, our annual Hanging of the Greens will be postponed this year due to construction. Lauree Hickok
Town of Canaan Broadband Update
Town of Canaan Broadband Update Both Charter Spectrum and Consolidated (formerly Fairpoint) Communications are installing fiberoptics to carry broadband internet service throughout Canaan. If you are interested in services provided by Charter Spectrum: • Check their map at • Contact Charter Spectrum at • Visit the Spectrum temporary store at the former Blue Seal building on Route 66 in Chatham until August 1 If you are interested in services provided by Consolidated (formerly Fairpoint) Communications: • Check their map at • Contact Consolidated at If neither Spectrum nor Consolidated have your address on their maps for broadband service, please contact the Town of Canaan Broadband Subcommittee member: Brenda Adams...